
" If I am not at home, I am at the coffee shop; if not at the coffee shop, I am on my way to the coffee shop." This has become a popular coffee quote as coffee market continues to expand and coffee drinking becomes more and more a part of our daily lives. In order to provide coffee lovers useful coffee information and news, as well as a guide to whereabouts of some of the coffee shops in different cities around the world, HoT S.A. sets a professional platform for coffee shops and coffee equipment suppliers to get exposures and be introduced to other markets through the magazine circulation.

Here's how to get published in HoT S.A. Magazine:
For Coffee Shops:
Please provide the following:
1.Name of your coffee shop
2.Complete shop address and contact information
3.4 or more photos of your coffee shop in high resolution, with at least 300 dpi
4.Around 50 words introduction of your coffee shop features *** excluding coffee course or product information
5.Contact name and information for us to mail you the magazine We will send you a copy of the HoT S.A. magazine when the publication is completed.
Note:Parcel shipped COD (Collect on Delivery)
For Advertisers:
Expense:USD $1,000/ 2pages/ 1 issue of HoT S.A.
USD $3,000/ 2pages/ 4 issues of HoT S.A.
Magazine dimension:Width 21cm x Height 28cm

“我不在家,就在咖啡馆;不在咖啡馆,就在去咖啡馆的路上”。这是一句广为流传的咖啡名言,咖啡无处不在,已经深深融入人们的生活当中了。两岸三地有许多不同类型的咖啡馆,通过HoT S.A. 可使自家的咖啡店在其他城市做曝光,为咖啡爱好者提供一个好的去处,也可让自己得到最新的咖啡信息。

4、50字左右的咖啡館介紹,可介紹店裡的特色,開店宗旨等等,但不能出現 課程和店裡產品資訊。

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免费索取 HoT S.A. 杂志,请来信检附以下基本资料,我们将会在三个工作日内寄出(邮费自付):名称、住址、联系电话、E-mail、QQ/微信、个人/公司网址。